
Single-parent families, in black and white

When talking of children living without mothers or without fathers things are not simple. There are many varying reasons for single-parent families from death of a spouse/partner to no spouse/partner in the first place. The consequences for individual families are also varied, and poorer finances are generally are an important consequence – though there is a world of difference between a divorced affluent woman in her late 30s and a never-married adolescent living alone with her baby.

Based on US Census Bureau figures for 2011 from the Annie E. Casey Foundation National Kids Count Program, 16,356,000 white children and 6,509,000 black/African-American children live in single-parent families. The total of single-parent children for all ethnicities is 24,718,000; and so about 66% of single-parent children are white and 26% black (of white children, 38% are non-Hispanic white and 28% are Hispanic/Latino).